Sonia Jackson Myles -- Professional Identity

Sonia Jackson Myles has been a client since 2011.  Our professional relationship evolved into the realm of friendship not long after.  She is an original thinker of powerful dreams.  From global executive to self-publishing author to non-profit founder of 'The Sister Accord' to force to be esteemed, Sonia has captured the imagination of countless women and girls, who's lives will forever be elevated ... simply by her will for them to succeed.

I've worked with numerous corporate leaders from most continents and none have exuded the genuine love of people that Sonia freely shares. 

After designing her first title release, "51 Ways to Love Your Sister", producing marketing materials, consulting on a vast array of brand elements, I finally had the opportunity to develop her professional identity.  The creative direction was to make her ID seamlessly elegant and merge her 3-name persona.  So the exploration of SJM resulted in the smooth, custom lettering image below.

The center initial can change per corporate efforts to create synergy with her ever expanding movement to touch 1 billion girls and women worldwide.

Thank you Sonia for allowing me to contribute in some small way to your vision.